Strategy Overview

Discover will enhance existing retail product search engines by adding personalized sorting to bring products specific to the customer's preferences to the top of the search. customers (logged in or anonymous) with shopping behavior in a digital channel (mobile, or web) will receive these personalized results. Algonomy Discover will strictly be an add-on, not a replacement to the retailer’s existing search engine.

The outcome for Discover’s search integration is a better user experience (relevant products at the top of the search results) for customers and incremental revenue lift and decreased bounce rate for the retailer.

Discover configuration settings apply sitewide. Work with your Algonomy team to choose the best settings for your site, generally, you will find these values through systematic testing of different options.

Personalizing search results is done utilizing the User Profile Service (UPS) data applied to the results of the user's search query.

Discover Strategies

There are three strategies that need to be set up, but not enabled, for Category Sort to work. Those strategies are:

  • CategorySort

  • PersonalizedCategorySort

  • PersonalizedCategorySortV2

If we enabled them, they would become eligible for use in any of the active placements, which is something that we emphatically do not want. Discover-sorted items are not suitable for normal recommendations.

What we do instead is leave the strategies disabled, but make them eligible for general use by giving them strategy messages. This makes them accessible to the rules, but not to the general King of the Hill.