Find Glossary
The Find includes the following metrics and terms:
Metric/Term Name | Description |
api_key | The unique key given to you by Algonomy that identifies your site. |
id - cart/add to cart/order complete page | The unique item id. This must be the same id that was set on the item page. |
id - nav page | The unique id of the current category. If a unique id is not available, concatenate the breadcrumb of categories to create a unique id. We will use these categories to understand your catalog structure. Example: 'Electronics > DVD Players' or '54321'. |
id - item page | The unique item id, SKU or UPC code of the item. If the item has a parent id, pass the parent id instead. Example: SKU #12345X3230 is Levi's 501 size 32x30, a child item of 12345. Pass the parent SKU of 12345 as the id. |
order_number | The merchant’s unique identifier generated for this order. |
page_area | The page_area naming structure lets you format recommendations display to an area on a page. Page area names are defined in the Layout section of the dashboard by the integration engineer. For naming page areas, Algonomy suggests these naming defaults: content (displays in the main area of a page) right (displays in a right-hand side column of a page) left (displays in a left-hand side column of a page) bottom (displays across whole bottom of a page like a footer) json (if instrument recs as JSON; design handled by script on page) |
page_name | Variable set by you to identify page_type for use in addPlacementType method call. |
Price | The price of the individual item. Do not supply the total price if more than one was purchased. |
Quantity | The total number ordered of that specific item. |
recs | The recommendations provided by the Omnichannel Personalization engine once the site is fully instrumented and moved to production. When you are ready to enable the recommendations in your production environment, direct all of your requests to Algonomy’s production servers at '//'. |
search_terms | The keywords supplied by the customer for the search. |
setForcedTreatment | During the testing period, we track session bucketing by applying a treatment id to the current session |
Staging | While testing your integration, direct all of your requests to Algonomy’s staging servers at '//'. |
user_id | The unique user id assigned to a user account. |
user_session_id | The unique session id for a specific user. |