Co Occurrence Report
Co Occurrence Report from the Omnichannel Personalization offers insights into the simultaneous appearance or association of categories within datasets. It analyzes co-occurrence patterns, revealing instances of categories appearing together in transactions or interactions. It identifies relationships between categories based on their simultaneous appearance in data records. Users can explore specific categories and regions using metrics like Attach Rate and Co-purchase Count, refining personalization strategies accordingly. With a detailed data table, this report enables users to optimize recommendations and enhance overall customer experiences.
To view the Co Occurrence Report, on the Omnichannel Personalization dashboard, go to Reports > Co-occurrence Report.
Lookback Period
The Lookback Period offers to select the duration of time over which co-occurrence patterns are analyzed. It determines the historical window within which transactions or interactions are considered for identifying category relationships. By default, 30 days lookback period is provided.
Users can also choose between several metrics. Changing the chosen metric will immediately refresh the chart and table.
The Co Occurrence Report offers the following two essential metrics:
- Attach Rate: Attach Rate measures the frequency of one category's association with another.
Attach Rate = When products are co-purchased in the same order Vs. Co-purchase count (across the orders within the look back period).
- Co-purchase Count: Co-purchase Count quantifies how often multiple categories are bought together.
Users can drill down into specific categories to analyze co-occurrence patterns further. This helps to understand how category associations vary across different categories.
To drill down into specific categories:
On the Co Occurrence Report page, under the Categories dropdown list, click Select.
The Category Selector window is displayed.
Choose the category and then click Done.
On region enabled sites, the user can choose to see the data associated with individual regions.
The data table under the chart displays all the data available based on the date range and filter options selected across all the metrics.