Creating Social Proof Campaigns

Perform the following steps to create a new campaign for social proof:

  1. On the Social Proof Campaigns page, click Create Campaign. By default, the campaign is named ‘Default Campaign’.

  2. In the Default Campaign area, click to rename the campaign.

  3. Perform the following crucial steps to complete the creation of Social Proof Campaigns.

    1. Targeting: This step allows you to define Context and Segment, and select the page type for the social proof campaign.

    2. Message Type: This step allows you to configure and personalize the social proof messages based on the priority, event type, message text, threshold value, single or multiple messages with display time, and so on.

    3. Display Configuration: This step allows you to set up the styling and position of the social proof message.

      Note: Creating a variation for social proof campaign can be accomplished by performing the Message Type and Display Configuration steps.

    4. Preview: This step allows you to view the details of the social proof campaign and publish either to the Production or QA/Integration environment with defined traffic percentage of audiences.